It’s a new year…..AND a new decade. How is it already 2020? 
As the clock strikes midnight on December 31, there is a feeling of something different in the air…something new. Like the old has been washed away and we get a fresh start again. And with the new year, comes A LOT of resolutions. I honestly don’t do resolutions; mainly because I don’t keep them. One thing I do like to do is reflect in prayer and find something that will push me through the new year. Whether it’s a word, a verse or a prayer. Last year God gave me breakthrough and boy was it a breakthrough year for us.

There was a lot of new in the Yates family in 2019 that we didn’t need the ball dropping in time square to bring. New jobs, new church, new projects. All of it was nothing we expected out of 2019. We didn’t plan on them. we didn’t even really want them. But God had other plans. Plans bigger than we could imagine. 

2020 will bring a lot of new as well. We are planning on selling our home, buying a new one in a new town with new neighbors and a new school that will bring new friends. As i’ve been praying about this transitional period in our life and what God has in store for my family this year, I keep hearing God tell me to Stay Flexible

I’m a pretty structured person. I don’t thrive in the unorganized. When God throws everything in the air and we still have to function in it. I go crazy. This waiting/transition period we’ve been in has not been great for me. Instead of trying to structure this waiting time, I need to take my own advise I give my daughter, “let things happen”.

There are 100’s of verses in the bible that talk about being flexible. No, they don’t actually use the physical word but when God calls you to something, you have to be ready to move. You have to give up comfort and structure and be ready for anything. 

Like in Mark when Jesus asked Simon and Andrew to follow Him, they just dropped their nets and left. They did not question. They didn’t tell Jesus they had to finish up fishing before they could leave….they just went. I want to believe that if God told me today to move to the other side of the earth, I would without hesitation. But if i’m being honest, I think I would have a laundry list of questions and reasons why I couldn’t do that or why I needed to wait. Why my list I already have together for my own life is greater than His.

This is the problem with most christians. They lose site of Jesus in their own life. They try to do life by themselves with Jesus as their back pocket in case they get into a tight situation. And then when Jesus does come to rescue them, they don’t like the plan. They don’t want to do it Jesus’ way. But this doesn’t work. We can’t stay flexible in our plans if we don’t include Jesus in them. We have to get to that moment in our walk with Jesus, to be confident in His plans to just move without question. To abandon everything we know and just follow him.

To stay flexible, we have to stay focused.

We have to keep our eyes and thoughts on Him and His plan for us and be ready at a moments notice to drop our nets and go. What is God giving you for 2020?

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