In an instance the seasons changed. We went from a colorless cold winter to a vibrant colored, birds chirping spring overnight. It’s one of the reasons I love spring. Being a very visual/creative person, its like my creativity gains a little more  momentum during the spring season with the added life and colors that spring brings. With each new season that takes place, new life and new beginnings come with it.  I feel like the spring season should be called Rebirth. Where once dead things gain their life back.

God is using this spring season especially to show me the beauty in new beginnings. That one season has to come to an end so that a new season can sprout and grow its color. He has been sending my mind in all sorts of directions for this blog with this season change. I have so many notes that go in all sorts of directions, I’m not sure where this one will end up; but I think what he’s speaking to me right now is no matter how hard your current season is, spring is coming to breath life back in.

We all go through difficult seasons in our lives. Some winters are harder than others, some falls are wetter and colder than others. But it’s in those harder seasons of life, that we come back fuller & more vibrant than the year before. Almost like those harsh winters we endured made us stronger & more colorful for the new season. Like he’s arming us for our next battle.

What we label tough seasons, God labels growing periods.

God doesn’t give us tough seasons to give up on ourselves, he gives us tough seasons to find out the true potential he has placed in us. Without those seasons, we would never see some of those little gems inside of us that are special just to us. Those little pieces, that make us unique and hold the sole purpose of what He created us for. Each obstacle is one more notch to getting us closer to that purpose.

Are you ready for the change thats coming?

Have you embraced the purpose inside of you for the season God’s about to move you to? You might ask how can I get ready for the new season coming and how much longer until my new season begins?

Preparation. It’s the one thing you should be doing when we’re in that moment in our life where we’re not sure when the new season begins and the old one ends. That awful waiting period that no one enjoys. God uses that preparation to blossom new things. In your season of change while you’re waiting for everything you should be planting and raking and preparing the grass and planting those seeds so they can take bloom in the right moment. 

“Listen carefully: Unless a grain of wheat is buried in the ground, dead to the world, it is never any more than a grain of wheat. But if it is buried, it sprouts and reproduces itself many times over. In the same way, anyone who holds on to life just as it is destroys that life. But if you let it go, reckless in your love, you’ll have it forever, real and eternal.

John 12:23-25 MSG

So how do you prepare?

Get into His word. Really saturate your mind with the words on the pages. You may read a whole chapter but it only takes 1 verse to wreck your thought process, give you clarity and can really make you challenge yourself. Have those intimate meetings with God where he gives you those little glimpses of our path so you can start preparing for what’s next. And Worship. I don’t mean listen to worship music (even though it can help you focus). I mean really worship. Bask in the glory that is our Heavenly Father. Be in reverent awe of his wonder.  Show Him your faithfulness through worship and He will show you his promises. 

Preparation + waiting = calling.

For a lot of us, change brings fear, worry, doubt. The unknown is a very scary thing. I’m a planner. I like to organize my thoughts and put checklists together. Its like those things help me to have more confidence with the things I’m working on. So for me, I fear the unknown because I feel like I don’t have enough notice to plan. That is why preparation is so important. It helps you to trust the plan God has put together for us and not our own. He shows us the preparation he’s done for us long before we’ve come to this new season, so we can rest easy knowing that God has the best plan possible for our lives.

He wants to give us those greener pastures; that beautiful scenery. But we have to be willing to change the season of our life. To end one chapter and start another. To close one door a walk into a new one. Bearing that harsh winter knowing that spring is coming. Life will come back into your situation you just have to be willing to follow God.

“For the Lord your God is bringing you into a good land of flowing streams and pools of water, with fountains and springs that gush out in the valleys and hills.”‭‭

Deuteronomy 8:7 NLT

2 thoughts to “The Seasons are Changing

  • Judith Schell

    Kari, so beautifully said. Awesome to see God developing and creating a new YOU!!!💗💗

    • kyates17

      Thanks Judy! The season change may be hard but I know if will spring up something beautiful!! I can’t wait to see what will blossom!


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